To Sponsor a team or to help in other ways, please click here.

Thank you for considering helping UGSA by becoming a sponsor!
We take great pride in teaming up community businesses with local UGSA teams to promote a fun and safe softball environment.
We appreciate your support and invite you to be a part of an exciting softball season.

 TEAM SPONSOR - Team Sponsorship - Sponsor buys the shirts
Sponsor agrees to pay a sponsorship fee and also agrees to purchase a shirt for each girl on the team, the manager, and a coach.
There are approximately 10-14 girls per team. The cost of the shirts will be dependent on your shirt selection, etc.
You will be able to state your preferred shirt color, but we may ask for another color selection if another sponsor is requesting the same color.
These shirts will remain the property of the girls after the season.

You will receive additional advertising with your logo on the UGSA website with an outgoing link, your logo on the UGSA Team Sponsorship Banner, and your name on all schedules/standings.
If a high-res logo is not on file with UGSA, you may be asked to supply one for promotional materials.*

BANNER OPTION - MAKE & HANG - $200 - Make a Banner and Hang at the Fields
UGSA will create a large outdoor banner using Sponsor's logo and information. UGSA will display this banner at the softball fields during the current Softball Season.
You will receive additional advertising with your logo on the UGSA website with an outgoing link.

If a high-res logo is not on file with UGSA, you may be asked to supply one for the banner

BANNER OPTION HANG ONLY - $100 - Hang Your Banner at the Fields
UGSA will hang your banner at the softball fields during the current Softball Season
You will receive additional advertising with your logo on the UGSA website with an outgoing link.

GENERAL SPONSOR - $100-$1000
We understand that not every business can/wants to sponsor a team. Also, there are times when we have more sponsors than teams. UGSA offers a General Use Sponsorship to help with scholarship funding, purchasing equipment, paying umpires, Fun Day Tournaments and general use of the fields. The General UGSA Sponsorship can be for any amount.
You will receive additional advertising with your logo on the UGSA website with an outgoing link.

If a high-res logo is not on file with UGSA, you may be asked to supply one for promotional materials.

*Please note, we cannot guarantee all sponsors will get a team if there are more sponsors than teams available.
If this is the case, we will contact you for other alternatives.

If you have other ideas for partnering with UGSA, please contact us today.

Click here to become a UGSA Sponsor today